
On the Communication Skills Blog:

Tim Pollard reveals the beating heart of sales messaging.

From Our Twitter and LinkedIn Feeds

Can imagination be measured?

A mathematical algorithm for discovering new things

The 12 cognitive biases that prevent you from being rational [An old, but good, list].

3 Lessons IBM’s Watson can teach us about our brains’ biases

The 5 Elements of Storytelling, from Presentation Design Firm Ethos3

Secrets of the creative brain

For the #SwipeFile: An Illustrated book of bad arguments

The 11 rules of Salesforce’s most successful salesman

Thou shalt not commit logical fallacies [infographic]

Another for the #SwipeFile: How brand-new words are spreading across America

Upcoming Workshops

One of the attendees from our recent Boston workshop published his thoughts on it: Four tips to make a good presentation better.

Our next public workshop is in Reston, VA on October 7 — sign up today!

Start the Conversation

Talk with one of our Oratium team members to see how we can help your business build and deliver a better message. To reach our Office directly, call (406) 272-4368.

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